The American Red Cross meets the needs of the worlds most vulnerable communities by taking action. The project was to use a means of transportation, such as a 747-8 aircraft to be able to go overseas and help as many people in a disastrous situation as possible. By using form driven models, space planning skills, and design development processes, this design was able to provide for hundreds of victims if needed, while still allowing those hurt or injured to feel relaxed in such a stressful environment. 

Section of Plane   Scale 1/8" = 1'0"   (click to enlarge)

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The inside of the International Red Cross 747-8 fits 238 people comfortably, with an additional 80 beds outside making it an occupancy of 318 people, plus an additional outdoor space for whomever welcome to relax around. 

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Floor Plans   Scale 1/8" = 1'0"   (click to enlarge)

Discovery and Change = Discovering a Change   (click to enlarge)

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Exterior Front Section   Scale 1/8" = 1'0"   (click to enlarge)

A tarp overhang like structure will be places over the wings of the plane, creating shelter.

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Indoor First Relief Hospital and Rest Area (click to enlarge)